You can use the Timeline to set synchronization to a video file in either Claro or Flow.
In either case, timing events to a video file is a bit different than page or audio timing.
First, you can set only timing events for things you have added over top of the video file itself, not other content on the page.
If you add a video file to a page and double click on it, you enter Examine Mode. The mini tool bar lets you add several types of content over the video, including:
- Labels
- Markers
- Hot spots
- Images
- Speech bubbles
Plus, you can go to the Insert tab and add Shapes.
When you have the video selected and open the Timeline, on the left you'll see all the items you added on top of the video file so you can synchronize these events to the video.
You can use the Add Cue button to insert cue points to trigger other events.
You can also have the Timeline pause the video using the Insert Pause Marker option. To do this, click the Play button above the Timeline then click the Insert Pause Marker button. A Pause marker will be added to the Timeline which you can drag and drop to any time location.
You can use all of these options to create interactive videos.
For example, you can use Labels to add text over the video and even set the Labels as buttons to trigger other actions. Insert a Pause marker after showing the labels, and have one of the Labels set as a button to Play the video again if it is selected.
Here’s a screen cap showing an example of that:
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