Winter 2025 (7.4.5) Feature Release Highlights

New Recycle Bin for deleted elements, Flow Divider elements, improved List elements and more 

Our Winter 2025 feature release focuses on improving your authoring experience and offering new and improved experiences for your learners.


New Recycle Bin for Deleted Elements

When you delete content from a Page it is now sent to the new Recycle Bin feature where it is stored until you choose to delete it permanently.

You can restore elements from the Recycle Bin back to your page at any time.

>> Learn more about the new Recycle Bin

New Divider Elements for Flow Pages

In Flow’s longer page experiences it can be helpful to have visual cues between content topics as well as be able to easily gate content for completion before allowing the learner to access more content on the same page. 

In Flow, you can now do this using Divider elements.

In addition to Spacers, there are now Line, Numbered and Completion Dividers available.

The Line and Numbered dividers can help add visual design to your page.

The Completion Dividers can prevent the learner from seeing additional page content without completing previous content. They can be set to show Progress.

>> Learn more about the new Divider Elements


Improved List Elements

We've added more default styles for List Elements and have simplified working with the Edit List panel.  

>> Learn more about the improved List Elements

New Style for Accordion Menus

The Options Tab for Accordion Menus offers a new Style option that gives the Accordion a different over all display style, shown on the right side of this image.

This is in addition to the existing Style (on the left of the image). 

New Storyline Profile for HTML Widgets

When you upload an HTML Widget that is created from an Articulate Storyline project the upload process will now auto-detect it and set the widget to use a new Profile for Storyline-created content. This saves time and confusion over determining which Custom settings you might be best to choose.


New Darken Setting for Images as Section Backgrounds

When you add an image as a background for a Section you can now set a Darken option.

This can help provide contrast between the background image and the Section content such as text that will appear over it.

New Scroll and Fade Animation Default Setting in Flow Themes

Themes that support Flow now have a setting to automatically add a Fade entrance effect to on-page elements as the learner scrolls down the page. 

This eliminates the need to select every on-page element on every page and set an appearance effect for it. 

You can still add individually-set effects to elements using the Fx tab to have alternative or different effects on any elements as you wish. And if you apply a theme using this setting to an existing Project, this setting will not override any already-set entrance effects for on-page elements in the Project.

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