You can add an Icon element to any Page in Claro or Flow.
In Claro you can add them from the Stock Library section of the Add to Your Page panel, or from the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
In Flow you can add them from the Insert Tab on the Ribbon.
You can add an Icon element to any Page in Claro or Flow.
In Claro you can add them from the Stock Library section of the Add to Your Page panel, or from the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
In Flow you can add them from the Insert Tab on the Ribbon.
When you add an Icon element you are shown the Pick an Icon panel.
Select the icon you want to use then select Ok.
To edit or change the icon, select the element then select the Edit option (pencil icon).
You can also use the Change option on the Options tab.
The Options tab is different in Claro and Flow.
Options Tab in Claro
In Claro, on the Options tab you can change the Icon.
You can also set a color based on the Theme color settings.
NOTE: In Claro you can set the size of the Icon by selecting the element then dragging the triangle handle in its lower right corner or set specific dimensions using the Width and Height fields in the selection control bar above the stage.
Options Tab in Flow
On the Options tab in Flow you can change the Icon.
You can set a size or sizing behavior for the icon element. The first three options set the icon as small, medium or large. The fourth setting allows the icon to auto-size its height based on the size of its Element container.
You can also set a color based on the Theme color settings.
To add Actions to the Icon element, select the element then select the Actions option (lightning bolt).