Once you’ve recorded a Capture lesson, you can add additional action options to any step.
Easily create steps with more than one way to advance the lesson
You can do this by selecting the Hotspots button in the top menu, which opens the Hotspots for Step panel on the right side of the editing interface.

Primary and Secondary Hotspots (Actions)
The initial hotspot or action from the step you recorded is the primary hotspot or action.
Any additional hotspots you add are secondary hotspots.
Primary hotspots always take the learner to the next step.
The options under Step >> Edit Step control the behavior of the primary hotspot or primary learner action for the step.
Secondary hotspots are limited to only single-click actions.
So if you have a step where the learner could double-click in one location or single-click in another location of the interface, you’ll set the primary hotspot as the double-click.
Select Add a Secondary Hotspot on the Hotspots for Step panel to add a secondary hotspot to the step.
The secondary hotspot will be added in the upper left corner of the screen image for the step.
Secondary hotspots have a light blue fill color so you can easily tell them apart from the Primary Hotspot, which has a green fill color.
You can move the secondary hotspot to where you need it and resize it.

Once the secondary hotspot is added, you can set how you want it to behave for the learner.
Secondary hotspots can take the learner to:
- The next step (selected by default)
- A new scene
- An alternative path, which is a new scene where its last step takes the learner to a step in another scene
The Add a Secondary Hotspot option remains available, so you can add as many as you need for a step.

Here's a basic diagram of how each of these options works.

The actions carried out by the primary hotspot or actions are listed in the Base Scenes tab above the steps list.
For two of the secondary hotspot options, you need to have more than one scene in your lesson. You can add a scene by selecting the Scene option in the top menu, where you can choose:
- Record a New Scene, or
- Insert Scene After which:
- If you select a Step in an existing Scene, adds a new Scene after that Step which will contain all subsequent steps in that original Scene (spilts the original Scene into two scenes)
- If you select the last Step in a Scene, creates an empty scene that you can move existing steps into by drag and drop
Initially the new scene will be listed on the Base Scenes tab.
If a secondary hotspot branches to a new scene, the scene will be moved under the Branches tab.
If a secondary hotspot branches to an alternative path, the scene will be moved under the Paths tab.

The Learner Experience
Here’s how a Capture lesson with secondary hotspots will behave in the various modes for learners:
- Show Me – Will only show the steps connected by primary hotspots or actions.
- Try Me – Shows step text for the primary paths, but the learner can choose to select secondary hotspots and the lesson will adjust.
- Guide Me – Shows all scenes in the order they were created for the lesson.
- Test Me – in either Practice or test question mode, the lesson will show step text for the primary paths, but the learner can choose to select secondary hotspots and the lesson will adjust.
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