* The Recycle Bin was introduced in the Winter 2025 (7.4.5) release.

Easily undelete elements back to the page or element they were deleted from

When you delete an element from a Page or from a component element like a tab set or content carousel it is removed from the Page or element and sent to the Recycle Bin.

The contents of the Recycle Bin are stored permanently unless you choose to fully delete them.

Accessing the Recycle Bin for Deleted Elements

The Recycle Bin is Page-based, rather than Project-based. In other words, each Page has its own Recycle Bin for elements deleted from it just like its own History.

There are several ways to access the Recycle Bin for the page you are currently working on.

It is always available:

  • From the Recycle Bin tab on the panel to the left of the stage
  • From the Edit menu in the upper left of the interface

With the Ribbon on it is available on the Home Tab.

With the Ribbon off it is available on the panel to the left of the Stage. 


How Deleted Elements are Stored in the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin stores elements in the reverse order in which they were deleted from the Page (i.e., the most-recently deleted item is at the top of the list).

If you delete a Section or a Row, the Recycle Bin stores the individual elements but not the Section or Row.

Deleting a tabset or a similar component element or a multi-part element like an Image element with markers added over it, the Recycle Bin contextually shows the whole element with its "parts".

For example, if you delete a tabset, it will be shown in the Recycle Bin with all of its tabs and the content on each of them. You can restore a copy of the whole tabset element or any of its separate content elements the Page.

TIP: To help the Recycle Bin be as helpful as possible, it's important to set unique names for elements. You can do this by selecting the element name in the breadcrumb above the Stage.

Restoring a Copy of a Deleted Element from the Recycle Bin 

When you select an element in the Recycle Bin you'll see an options panel.

On the panel you can:

  • Preview the element
  • Permanently delete it
  • Restore a copy of it back to the page

Restoring a copy of the element back to the page is similar to adding a new element to the page. 

In Claro, the element will be automatically added to the page.

In Flow, you can restore the copy back into an available placeholder on the page or into a new section at the bottom of the page.  

If you want to restore a copy of the element back to its original location on the Flow page you'll need to ensure there's an available placeholder in that location.

The element will remain in the Recycle Bin after it a copy of it has been restored to the page.

Permanently Deleting Elements in the Recycle Bin

If you are sure that you do not want the element in the Recycle Bin, you can permanently delete it.

To do this:

  1. Select the element
  2. Select Permanently Delete from the options panel.

You'll be shown a confirmation dialog box to complete the deletion.

Published Packages and the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin content is not included in any published packages. It doesn't affect the size of these packages. 

Duplicating a Page or a Project and the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin content is not included when you duplicate a Page or a Project.

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