
    Select Add to Your Page.

    00:04  The Add to your Page panel will open, showing the Favorites list which is pre-populated with commonly-used elements. Select Rich Text.
    00:08  The Text Element will be added in the middle of the page. You can use the handle on the right edge of the element to set a different width. Select the handle and drag the element to its new width.
    00:12  The element has been set to the new width.
    00:16  You can use drag and drop to move the element to a new location. Select the element and drag it to its new location.
    00:20  The element has been moved to its new location.
    00:24  In this example we aren't adding more elements, so select the X to close the Add to your Page panel.
    00:28  You can now edit the placeholder text in the Text Element using the Pencil icon.
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