Steps to add a Collection from the Manage Collections panel.
Steps to edit a Collection's Properties.
Steps to assign users to a Collection.
You can assign Teams or individual users as Authors or Reviewers.
This lesson shows the steps to assign a Team as Authors for the Collection.
To assign Reviewers or individual users, the steps are largely the same.
Love the new feature where you can share projects across DominKnow | One instances! Of course, I have to ask, can you share an entire collection, avoiding the need to share each individual project?
Easily provide test launch access to your learners any point in your Project
Steps to asign a Project to a Collection or Category.
NOTE: These options are only available for Business and Enterprise-level client teams.
Scenario question pages allow you to use Scenarios as either scored Test Questions or as non-scored Practice questions
I was wondering if it was possible to add a video file into a Timeline panel. I noticed that there was only the option for embedded videos. Is that the only option?
You can have Elements on any Page targeting multiple learning audiences or contexts
Edit a collection when you want to modify the title, description, permission of the collection or to reorder the projects within the collection. Follow the instructions below to learn more.
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