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Steps to copy a tab from one Tab Set and paste it into another Tab Set element.
You can also use these steps to copy a tab from a Tab Set to an Accordion Menu, or vice versa.
In this example, the two tab sets have different settings selected on their Options and Style tabs, and the first Tab Set has a background fill color applied.
Only the Tab content and layout are copied, the second Tab Set retains its own original design settings.
00:00 Select the Tab Set on the page.
00:04 Select the edit option (pencil Icon).
00:08 Select (single-click) the header text element on the Tab.
00:12 Confirm in the breadcrumb above the Stage that you have the Tab selected (the Tab is named based on the text in its header text element).
Select Edit.
Select Edit.
00:16 Select Copy.
00:20 Select the second Tab Set element.
00:24 Select Edit.
00:28 Select Paste.
00:32 The copied Tab is now added in the second Carousel element.
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