00:00  On the Home Tab select Manage Variables.
    00:04  The Manage Project Variables panel opens. 

    Select +Add Project Variable.

    00:08  The Add Variable panel opens.

    Select into the Name Field to give the new variable a name. 

    00:12  We've named this variable AllButtonsClicked.

    Select into the Description field to add a description.

    00:16  Click Select the Type drop down list.
    00:20  Select Number.
    00:24  You can change the initial value if needed. In this example we'll leave it set as 0.  

    Select OK.

    00:28  The new Project Variable is displayed on the Manage Project Variables panel. 

    The variable will now be available when you are ready to set up actions to affect it or as a value to display in a text element or as a variable you can check as a Condition on an Action.

    Once you have used it in any of these contexts, you'll see values displayed in the Usage section of the Details tab on the right. 

  0     0

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