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Steps to edit a Multiple Choice Question.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.4
Applies to: Flow, Claro
Applies to: Flow, Claro
00:00 You can change the text for the heading, instructions (if any) and the question by editing the element on the Stage.
Select the question text element and we'll add text for this example.
00:04 Select the Pencil icon.
00:08 Select the question text element and we'll add text for this example.
00:12 Select outside of the element to save the text changes.
00:16 To make changes to the other settings for the question, select the Question tab.
00:20 Select Choices.
00:24 The Edit Question Properties panel will open.
Select the first Choice option to edit it.
00:28 The Choice text will be shown in the text editing window.
Click in the editing window and we'll change the text for this example.
00:32 This choice is currently set as correct, we'll leave that as-is.
Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
00:36 Select Update.
00:40 Select the second Choice to edit it.
00:44 Click on the text edit window and we'll change the text for this example.
00:48 Select the check box for Mark this choice as correct.
00:52 Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
00:56 Select Update.
01:00 Select the next Choice to edit it.
01:04 Click on the text edit window and we'll change the text for this example.
01:08 Select the check box for Mark this choice as correct
01:12 Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
01:16 Select Update.
01:20 Select the next Choice to edit it.
01:24 Click on the text edit window and we'll change the text for this example.
01:28 Select the check box for Mark this choice as correct.
01:32 Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
01:36 Select Update.
01:40 Select the next Choice to edit it.
01:44 Click on the text edit window and we'll change the text for this example.
01:48 Select the check box for Mark this choice as correct.
01:52 Select the check box for Randomize this choice.
01:56 Select Update.
02:00 We've added all the choices we need for this question, so there's one choice we need to remove.
Select the next choice.
02:04 Select Remove.
02:08 You can use the Add button below the Choice editing area to add more choices if needed.
Select Feedback.
02:12 The Question Feedback panel opens.
When you add a question, it is set to use the default feedback for the Project.
Click into the text edit area and we'll add Correct response feedback for this question.
02:16 Select the Incorrect Feedback option.
02:20 Click into the text edit area and we'll add Incorrect response feedback for this question.
02:24 Select the Partially Correct feedback option.
02:28 Click into the text edit area and we'll add Partially Correct response feedback for this question.
02:32 Select Done.
02:36 The Feedback panel will close.
To complete your changes, you need to save them.
Click on Update
02:40 The changes will be saved and the Properties panel will close.
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