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Steps to edit the content in a Tab Set component.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.4
Applies to: Flow
Applies to: Flow
00:00 Select the Tab Set element on the page.
00:04 Select the pencil icon to edit the element.
00:08 Select the header for the first tab.
00:12 Select the pencil icon to edit the header.
00:16 You can now edit the text in the header.
Select the header text field and we'll add in text for this exercise.
00:20 Select outside of the header (but still inside the Tab Set) to save the text changes.
00:24 Select the first layout option on the tab body.
00:28 A placeholder is added.
Select the Rich Text option.
00:32 You can now add text.
Select the empty text field and we'll add text for this exercise.
00:36 Select outside of the Tab Set to save the changes.
00:40 You can see that the content for the first tab has been changed.
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