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Steps to make changes to an element's translation text after a translation file has been imported.
This example shows a Text Element.
You can also use this method to make changes to translation text for labels or markers on Image or Video elements.
00:00 For this example, we have already imported a translation file to add Spanish to this Project. The translation file had an error, though, and instead of Spanish one of the file's translation cells had the original English text. To start editing this incorrect transated text Select the Text Element on the Page.
00:04 Select the Translations option (the world icon).
00:08 The Edit Translations panel opens. Select the drop-down list to see al translated languages.
00:12 Select Spanish.
00:16 The right area of the panel now shows all text strings associated with the element. The Title row is the name of the element on the page, the Content row is the text displayed within the element. Select Edit beside the Content row.
00:20 The current text for the translated language is displayed. If the edits are minor you can edit the existing text. If the edits are major, you can replace all of the current text. Select the text.
00:24 With all of the text selected, we'll paste in our new text to replace the current text. In this example, assume we've already copied the replacement text to our clipboard. Press Ctrl+V (Command+V on Mac) to paste the new text.
00:28 Select Ok.
00:32 The updated text is now displayed in the Content row's Translation column. Select Ok to close the Edit Translations panel.
00:36 Steps completed
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