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How to set a button to increase a variable by 1 when a button is clicked.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.3
00:00 / 00:00
00:00 Select the Happier button on the Page.
00:04 If it isn't already selected, select the Interaction tab.
00:08 Select the Actions button.
00:12 The Add Element Action panel will open. Select Set Variable.
00:16 The Element Interactions panel will open.
Select the variable you want to set a value for from the Variable: drop down list.
00:20 From the Operator drop-down list select “+=”. As the plus sign suggests, this tells the action to add something to the variable’s value.
00:24 In the Value: field, type "1". This sets the value to increase by 1.
Select the Apply button.
00:28 The Action is now listed at the top of the panel.
Select the Done button.
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