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Steps to add a Global Variable to a text element.
This example uses a Global Variable for the company name.
00:00 Select the text element.
00:04 Select the Edit (pencil) icon.
00:08 Select the three-dot menu on the mini toolbar.
00:12 Select Variables.
00:16 On the menu that opens select Custom Variables.
00:20 Select Global.
00:24 Select Company Name (string).
00:28 The Global Variable string is added in the text element.
Select outside of the text element to save the change.
00:32 To view the variable in use on the page select Preview.
00:36 Select Full Project.
The Global Variable's value is only loaded in Full Project Preview. If you select Current Page preview, you will see the variable string displayed in the text element.
00:40 The variable's value "OmniAll" is displayed in the text element.
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