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In this lesson you will see a video file being uploaded into the media library by using the Insert Tab and selecting Video.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.3
00:00 / 00:00
00:00 Select the Page that will contain your video.
00:04 Select Insert Tab.
00:08 Select Video icon.
00:12 Select Insert Video option.
00:16 Select Upload button.
00:20 Find the file you want to upload and select it.
For this lesson, select the file name dominKnowONE-test.mp4.
00:24 Select Open button.
00:28 Select Take Snapshot button.
00:32 Select Ok button.
00:36 Select your uploaded video.
For this lesson, select the first one listed in the Media Browser.
00:40 Select Insert button.
00:44 Select single column layout option.
00:48 Steps completed
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