The Page Structure shows the Sections on the Page, and their Rows, Groups and Elements.
The Story View Without Home Page theme is ideal for traditional eLearning and presentation-style content.
Two ways of viewing and working with your Project's Outline
Quickly and easily add Elements to a Claro page or Sections to a Flow page
I have an exit button at the end of the page also close button on the left corner of the page. I want the exit button to behave the same way as the close button. Also I want them all displayed on the same page. instead of showing it on the next page.
Easily move and re-order Sections, Rows, Groups and Elements within their respective container
I am in the planning phase of an elearning lesson where I would like the learner to be able to bookmark pages within the lesson to revisit at a later time or maybe as "favorites.". Can this be done in dominknow? If so, what is the workflow?
Create unique and engaging learner experiences by showing Target Pages as content in a modal window over your main page
I have two hidden pages in my Flow project. Can I modify the navigation arrows so that the user bypasses those two pages when they click on the Next arrow, or when they click to return to the previous page?
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