Steps to add a Card Component to a Page.Cards are one of many components available in dominKnow.The learner can interact with a Card by selecting the button within the card if applied.
Steps to Add a Tile Card component to a Page.Tile Cards are one of many components available on the Engage tab.The learner can interact with the Tile Card when an action or trigger is applied to the card.
Steps to add a Hover Animation to a Tile Card component.
Steps to Add a Billboard Component to a Page.Billboards are one of many components available on the Engage tab.Learners can interact with a Billboard by clicking the button if applied.
Steps to add and a Flip Card Set component to a page and configure the Flip Cards within the set. Flip Card Sets are one of many components available on the Engage tab.
Steps to add a Steps Component to a Page.Steps are one of many components available on the Engage Tab.The learner can interact with the Steps component by clicking each tab to open the content within.
Steps to add a Carousel component to a Page.Carousel is one of many components available on the Engage tab.The learner can interact with the Carousel by clicking next/previous buttons to view the content on each slide.
Steps to add a Reveal component to a Page.Reveal is one of many components available in the Engage tab.The learning can interact with the Reveal component by clicking each tab to change the content shown.
Steps to add a Panel Component to a Page.Panels are one of many components available on the Engage tab.The learner can interact with a Panel by opening and closing it if allowed.
Steps to add a Callout Component to a Page.Callouts are one of many components available in dominKnow.
Steps to edit a Card or Billboard component button.
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