Changing The Top and Bottom Decorations On A Section In A Flow Page
Steps to change the top or bottom dividers on a Section in a Flow Page.
For this lesson the page has a Decorative Header section added to the top of the Page from from the Add Your First Section options on a blank page plus a second section added below that.
Any Section on a Flow page can have top and/or bottom decorations, so you can use these steps to add top and bottom decorations on any section. (In general sections added to a Flow page have the top and bottom decorations turned off/set to none by default.)
You can see that there is no divider set for the top of the Section but a down-ward triangular divider has been set for the bottom of the Section.
For this lesson, select the right-sloped divider option for the bottom divider.
Steps to change the background fill color on a Section in a Flow Page.
For this lesson the page has a Decorative Header section added to the top of the Page from from the Add Your First Section options on a blank page plus a second section added below that.
You can set a background fill color on any Section on a Flow page using these same steps.
The Reveal and Scroll theme is designed to present your Flow content one section at a time providing section navigation at the bottom of each section on the page as well as on the top navigation bar. The Reveal and Scroll theme is built using the Vertical Player experience.
There may be different times when you wish to change what a cursor looks like. One common time is when adding a hotspot onto an image. You may wish for it to remain the "default" pointer instead of changing of changing into a hand. Or you may wish to make a different change entirely. You can learn about all the different cursor options here:
I need information control labels on much of the content we produce for U.S. Government. These labels need to appear at the top and bottom of each display page in Claro.
Ideally, the content of the label would be controlled via a variable (so an Author would only have to change a single location) and could be translated. The labels may or may not be required on module or learning object title pages. The labels do not have to appear on the Thumbnails used in the Handouts as they will appear...
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