Steps to import a translation file back into your dominKnow | ONE project once the file contains all required translation strings. This lesson demonstrates uploading a single translation file. You can upload multiple files at once in a ZIP file, following these same steps.
Now that the Project has more than one language the Menu will show the currently-displayed language, which you can select to choose a different available language. Select English = US (en-US).
Steps to make changes to an element's translation text after a translation file has been imported. This example shows a Text Element. You can also use this method to make changes to translation text for labels or markers on Image or Video elements.
In authoring tools, whenever we have exported an XML/XLS file, sent it to translators, and then imported it back into the project, we will often send it for Quality Assurance testing. The testers often request revisions. In other authoring tools, we can ask the translators to simply update the XML/XLS file, and then send up the updated XML/XLS file, which we then import to the project, and choose to overwrite the language strings in the project, overwriting old strings with the re...
An end-client operates a homegrown LMS and wants to migrate their current courses into DK One. Can they import a course from their proprietary LMS into DK One via SCORM package?
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