Baselines are project frameworks that your team creates as a starting point for similar projects. A Baseline can have as many pages and learning objects as needed.
Any project can be set to be used as a baseline by an administrator. Setting as a baseline allows anyone, regardless of assignments to use the baseline without allowing them to change the original project.
This lesson outlines the steps to use a Baseline as the basis for a new Project.
If you are on the Splash Page, select New Project.
(If you are not on the Splash Page you can use New Project Quicklink (the +) in the upper left corner of the authoring interface.)
You must type in a name for the new Project.
If you select the Keep Assignments checkbox then any Authors or Reviewers assigned to the Baseline project will also be assigned to the new duplicate version of the Baseline.
Select Duplicate Project.
Can you push updates to a baseline object out to other projects using it? I made some editorial updates to content in a project marked as a baseline. One other project has been build from this baseline (duplicated). How can I get those updates "pushed out" to the other project with out going in and manually making the same updates there? Assumptions I'm operating under: any customizing in that object will be overwritten when baseline updates are pulled in. Thanks! Amy
Hello, Is it possible to copy Target pages between projects? I noticed New Target Page > From Existing - provides options for selecting from the Structure and Master Pages, but I don't see Target pages as an option. Thanks!
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