Use Timelines to create a graphical representation of information that is displayed sequentially along a vertical line. This lesson covers editing of the Timeline Component Content.
To edit the content within the Timeline, select the Edit Icon in the Inline Toolbar, or double-click the Timeline.
Click the continue button:
Select the Image icon within the First Placeholder.
Click the continue button:
Select the ShareContent_grey Image.
Click the continue button:
Select Insert.
Click the continue button:
Within the Second Placeholder, select the Text Icon and we'll add text for you.
Click the continue button:
Notice that Inline styles are available for the content.
To delete a Placeholder, Select the First Placeholder (1/2 showing) in the Second Node,.
Click the continue button:
In the Select Control Bar, select Delete.
Click the continue button:
Select Delete.
Click the continue button:
The Placeholder is deleted, select the remaining Placeholder and we'll delete it for you.
Click the continue button:
Select the + icon within the Node Content Area to add more content layouts.
Click the continue button:
Select the Double-body with Heading option.
Click the continue button:
Select the Node Content Area and we'll add the content for you.
Click the continue button:
You can continue to add more Content Layouts to a Node by selecting the + Icon within the Node Content Area.
Click the continue button:
To Delete a Node, select the Third Node Icon. (Bottom Node Icon)
Click the continue button:
In the Select Control Bar, select Delete.
Click the continue button:
Select Delete.
Click the continue button:
The Node has been deleted.
Select the Scrollbar to move the page back to the top.
Click the continue button:
Select the three-dot menu in the Inline Toolbar. Have access to the Options, and FX tabs, Accessibility panel, and add a New Comment, or Delete the component.
Click the continue button:
Select Options.
Click the continue button:
The Options tab has a number of control and design options for the Timeline as a whole. You can change when the Timeline responds, Add and Remove Nodes, Enable/Disable Animate Entrace, Remove or Add Gutters, and have access to the Node Settings. *Node Settings are disabled when a Node is not selected* Use the FX tab to add effects to the component.
Select Add Node to add a new Node to the Timeline.
Click the continue button:
The new Node is added.
Select the Left Side of the page/Left Side Panel to return to the page content.
Click the continue button:
Preview the Current Page to see how the Timeline Component will look and behave for your learners.
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to customize the Timeline within Flow. I am trying to add a border colour to the boxes. If there isn't a feature already existing for that. Is it possible to add my own custom CSS to modify its appearance?
Edit a collection when you want to modify the title, description, permission of the collection or to reorder the projects within the collection. Follow the instructions below to learn more.
Use billboards as your big attention-grabbers. This lesson covers controlling the display properties of the Billboard component to suit your design needs. Note: Billboards are available in multiple styles with or without a Button. The buttons are easily set up just like any other button in dominKnow | One.
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