How to include audio when importing Powerpoint

1137 0 1
Posted   one year ago

I wish to import a PowerPoint with audio into Dominknow; the PP comes across OK but, the audio does not. There is only an image (that looks like an audio file) that gets imported where the PP audio object is located. 


I can get around this by saving each PP audio and then inserting each one as an audio file, but this seems inefficient.
Any help appreciated.


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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Luke Hickey   |    
Posted   one year ago

If you are using externally linked audio, MP3’s, you should be able to upload the PowerPoint and the audio together by zipping them at the root of a folder with the PowerPoint. 

if you are having trouble with this process feel free to connect with support, they’d be happy to step through the process with you. 

below I’ve linked an article on tips related to PowerPoint import and conversion. 



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one year ago     CCSA.gra     0   |   2  

Thanks Luke,
The audio isn't external linked, they are recorded in Powerpoint using the Record Narration, so I thought they would just import with the slides.
I'm not really sure what to do after zipping the powerpoint, but I suppose there is an import zip file somewhere. I'll give support a try too.
thanks again, Grahame.

one year ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

Couple clarifications.
1. Audio that is added as an MP3 or video added as an MP4 is imported as described in the above link.
2. Audio that is recorded using the native PPT recorder does NOT import. Video share links/emebed you tube are not imported.

NOTE: Big thanks for the additional questions. The above help article has been updated to provide this clarification and distinction.