Interactive Video Template
2020 0 2I would like to use the interactive video template in Flow, is there a tutorial on how to use the Question buttons? I would like the learner to engage with the questions when I set the video to pause for each question.
Answers ( 2 )
In the Interactive Video 1 and Interactive Video 2 page templates the question buttons are set up to play different sections of the video. The idea is that the learner asks a question by selecting a button, and the related section of the video gets played as a simulation of a conversation.
The default video is 1 minute long, and has four 15-second "sections". When the learner selects question 1, it starts the video playing at 0:00 and stops the video at 0:14.5, selecting question 2 starts the video at 0:15 and stops it at 0:29.5, and so on.
Based on your description above, I think what you'd like to do is have a video play for a section, then pause/stop so the learner can answer a question?
If that's your goal, you can do this by adding a pause action based on the timing of the video itself. You can add an action to pause the video at, for example, the 15-second mark (select the video on the page >> select the Actions icon/lightning bolt >> select See All to get access to set a speciic time on the video instead of the end of the video and then continue the process to set up the Pause action).
You could have the questions showing on the page to the learner but you could also use the video timing to show each question when the video is paused. To do that you'd also an action based on the video time to show one of the question/exercise components available on the Engage tab on the ribbon. You'll probably want to set the trigger time to a half-second before the video pauses, to make sure the two actions conflict due to identical timing.
When the learner answers the question there are a number of options/ways to start the vido playing again. If you are providing feedback to the question, you'll want to make sure the learner has time to review the feedback before the video starts, so I'd suggest having the question's When the final attempt is Submitted trigger show an additional button to continue playing the video so the learner has control over the experience (select the question on the page >> select its Actions icon/lightning bolt; the default triger is When the final attempt is Submitted, which is what you want). You could also use this button to hide the completed question, if you like.
(If you do go this route, it's probably simpler to start from a blank page and add the video etc. rather than trying to work with the Interactive Video templates.)
Hope this helps!
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