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You can give learners the ability to search within published dominKnow | ONE content projects.
We use the feature to power the Knowledge Base theme, for example. It's also available to use in the Course Player and several other themes.
Here's a quick over view of how it works for learners, using our own Flow User Guide as an example.
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The dominKnow | ONE Review Feature
An introduction to the Review Feature in dominKnow | ONE, which helps authors easily gather and track feedback from any stakeholders involved in a project.
How to Search Collections in Clarofy
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How to Search Projects in Clarofy
Looking for a specific project, but not sure where to start? Below you will learn the most efficient way to track down the project you need. Read the instruction below to learn more.
Setting a Page Link Action
You can easily set up inter-page branching using the Page Link feature.
Print and Bookmark feature
Here is a feedback by one of our reviewers -
1.As with other training materials, we feel a printed set would benefit the end users, so they can easily review. - PRINT FEATURE
2. When we went in to dominKnow again, seemed we needed to start over again and not where we left off – just a bit cumbersome. - BOOKMARK FEATURE
Request support on this.
Feature Request - Horizontal Timeline
I find the horizontal timeline feature to be useful. I would also like to see a vertical timeline option.
Boolean Searches in the Library
We are going to be transitioning to DominKnow soon and I'm trying to learn how the Library functions. Are Boolean searches possible within a Library search for Media? Our library will become huge very quickly and we will need a way to pair down our searches. Is this possible?
Thank you,
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