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We are using the review feature in Dominknow but we've come up to a slight issue.
When one of our reviewers leaves a comment on the page or element, and then somone else comments on that comment, they get sent an email notification. We have projects where people may leave a lot of comments, so this constant notification and email is becoming a problem for our reviewers. 

Is there any way we can turn off comment reply notifications for a project, or selectivley turn off notifications...

2108   0
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I was wondering if there's a way to revert a DK build back to what it was on a specific date? 
I.e. if I build a course on the 12th, and an Author comes in and changes it on the 14th, and breaks something. Is there any way I can revert it back to what it was on the 12th? 

1873   0
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There are some projects where I have 10 reviewers assigned to it. 
I was wondering if there is any way to quickly see if all reviewers have completed their review in the tool? 

1499   0
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I'm currently trying to create a show and hide interactive, but I want to make it, so on load it's hidden, but then once you click a button it shows, and stays visibile forever. Currently when I use the show/hide actions, then I navigate back to the page, the element hides again. 
To get around this I've been using variables, set to true, and then the element shows when the variable is true. This seems to hold even when going back to the page, but it's a ime consuming process. Having to ...

1957   0
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This might be a long shot, but I'm curious if DK has the ability to give my any data or feedback for a course. 
Once I publish a scorm package and upload it to the LMS, is there any way of getting some analystics or data around when the learner stoped, jumped out of the course, number of correct or incorrect attempts of a specific question, time on a page etc?

1797   0
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I have a lot of steps in a capture I created, and I want to move some of them around and delete other redundant captures. But I can't seem to do this on scale, I have to manually delete one step at a time and drag one step at a time around. 
Is there any way I can select multiple steps at once and delete or move them around? 

2277   0
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Is there a way I can make all the pages in a storyline theme accessible straight away? Currently you need to view them in a linear order, but I want people to be able to jump around as they want. 

1812   0
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Is there a way i can make an element show, only once multiple variables have been set to true? 

2524   0
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I'm creating a course where the learner needs to reflect on their actions and the content a few times throughout the course. Is there anyway I can have all the users answers and questions appear on a single page, and allow the user export all their answers and questions at the end of the unit? 
I'm currently using inline text fields with a variable to retain the users response. 

1910   0
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I'm wondering if it's possible to add a H5P interactive to Domiknow? 
Also, is there any tools which can help you build html widgets that you recommend using? 

2377   0
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I'm trying to make a simple activity, where I want the learners to drag and image into the correct bin. 
Something like the sorting activity that's there but using images to sort. Is there a way to add images to the sorting activity? 
This is only meant to be a low stakes, light interactive, so I would like for it to be inline, with imediate feedback as the person drags each card.
Is this possible?  

2255   0
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I'm trying to make a button change colour when a task has been completed, but I can't seem to see any states appear under the button. Is there any way to edit the state of a button once a specific variable has been completed? 

2523   0
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I'm using the scenario builder and have a few questions. 
1. Is it possible to add images into each speach bubble? I can see the option for audio, but not for an image. 
2. Is it possible to format the text, i.e. if I want to bold or italicising something? 
3. Is it possible to add in links to pop ups or hyper links into the speach bubbles? 
4. Is there any way I can use the images in the scenario as their own stand alone images? I can't seem to find a full body avatar in the stock media...

2233   1
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