How do I make a series of input fields required to be filled in prior to moving on to the next page?
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Is there "exact" text that the learner is typing in, or are these open text notes and you just want to confirm that they've typed something?
If it's the second one, then here's one suggestion i have initially.
When the page loads, have an action that sets each text input box's value to a string of default text, such as "Type here." This text will be displayed within each text input box and it gives us something to compare against so we know that the learner has typed something else.
Disable the Next button on the page and have a button that the user clicks on to confirm that they've completed the input fields. (The button could be named many things, for example "I'm Done" or "Finished" depending on the context.)
Set the button to have an action to enable the next button but only if the value of all of the variables for the text input boxes is something other than the default text set when the page loaded. You can do this in the Conditions field on the actions panel. You use javascript operators for this, for example if there are two text input fields:
{{TextInput1}} != "Type here." &&
{{TextInput2}} != "Type here."
If you're looking for exact text, then the operator would be == and inside the quotes you'd have what ever exact text you're looking for, for each variable.
Hope this helps!
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