Looking to hire a part-time freelancer who knows how to use the authoring tool
2699 0 2I'm looking to hire a part-time freelander who know how to use the authoring tool to support me in creating modules for use on an iPhone. Any suggestions?
Answers ( 2 )
We have a Collection here on the community site where we've listed a number of third-party teams that can help dominKnow | ONE clients with projects. It's a range of team sizes, from smaller indepedents to larger, full-service companies.
Take a look, the contact info is all there so you can reach out to anyone who seems to fit your needs.
Here's a link to that collection.
Our own dominKnow content team can also help with smaller-sized needs. I'll have someone reach out to you to see if that's of interest.
And somewhat related, we have a weekly users meetup where client teams come together to share ideas and experiences. Our Community Manager Brent Schlenker hosts these sessions every Thursday. It's a great way to hear what others are doing in the tool and ask questions if you're working on something and need some help or ideas or suggestions.
We have an article here on the Community with all the details, including the session information if you're interested in joining.
Here's a link to the article about the weekly user meetups.
Hope this helps!
( 1 )Send me an email and I'll see if I can find someone in our community. brent.schlenker@dominKnow.com
( 0 )