Video Player Controls in MS Edge

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Posted   one year ago

Hi, I have an issue with the video player controls not working for my client. Specifically they want to be able to move forward and back in the course videos. In our preview it works but when they upload it to their system it doesn't work.


Any suggestions on how to fix?


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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   one year ago

Have you published and tested the project in another system, e.g., SCORM cloud? When testing it with the latest MS Edge, the video controls and scrub bar are active and enable the user to move forward and back by clicking on the scrub bar.

Recommend that you confirm it outside the client's LMS with the same browser and browser version and then do the same with the client inside their environment. 

If it can be replicated outside the client's environment,  please report the steps to support so they can review.

If it is not happening outside the client's environment, but happening inside it, open the Javascript Console in the web browser, clear any items and then repeat the sequence that is not working. Capture any errors you find here and have the client escalate this to their IT for feedback.

p.s. If this is an embeded video (e.g., from YouTube or the like, it may be something within the client's infrastructure that is blocking it.)

p.p.s. Sometimes plugins within browsers can cause the issue, so your testing of their environment may be telling. 



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