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I have an audio clip on a page in Flow. Is there a way to keep the Next button disabled until the audio has finished playing? I have it set to enable after all the content on the page has been viewed, but the client wants it disabled until the audio has finished.
I have used the "Element is complete" trigger, but it enables the Next button as soon as I start the audio, rather than after it has finished playing.

2078   0
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I have disabled the Next navigation button on a Flow page. There are two clickable elements on the page that the learner must open before proceeding to the next page. How can I keep the Next button disabled until both elements have been clicked? The order in which they are clicked is not important.

2519   0
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I have built a timeline using the widget in Flow. It does not display on a mobile phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy A71. Neither the timeline icons nor the content display when viewed on the phone. Is this a known issue?

2174   0
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I have disabled the "Next" navigation button on a page in Flow. I don't want to enable it until the learner has viewed all content on the page. This includes a popup window that the learner accesses by clicking on an image on the page. I have set the action to "Enable the Next button" when the image has been "Interacted with" and then set the action to "When clicked". But when I get to that page, the Next button is automatically enabled. Is what I am trying to do possible in Flow? If so, what...

2298   0
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Is there a way to change the title of a quiz question? When a question is inserted, the heading is, for example, "Multiple Choice". As it is quite apparent to the learner that it is multiple choice, I would like to change the title. When I do change it, it always reverts back to the default title. Can it be changed?

2049   0
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Is it possible to format text in a bulleted list created using the list widget? I need to have some text italicized in one of the bullets. There doesn't appear to be any formatting options available.

2247   0
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Is there a way to remove the checkmark that appears next to the first option in tabsets? The first option is check-marked even before it has been opened. It should only be checked after the tab has been opened. I have set it to display unopened.
Flow project.

2090   0
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Here is the scenario that I need to create in Flow. The learner clicks an audio icon to launch an audio recording of two people having a conversation. Each is represented by an avatar on the screen. As the recording runs, the text of their conversation appears in text bubbles associated with their respective avatars. Is it possible to create a scenario to function like this?

2876   0
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I have two columns on a page in Flow. In the left column is an image. In the right column is text. I want the image to display when the page loads. Then two seconds later, I want the text on the right to display. I have set up an action so that when the image shows, it will show the text two seconds later. But it isn't working. I am out of ideas for troubleshooting what I may have done wrong. Any suggestions? Thanks.

2257   0
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I have two hidden pages in my Flow project. Can I modify the navigation arrows so that the user bypasses those two pages when they click on the Next arrow, or when they click to return to the previous page?

2269   0
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How can I control the timing of the appearance of elements on the page? Is it through an action or is this done on the timeline? I would like the page content section to appear about 1.5 seconds after the page loads.

2218   0
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When I view my project on the phone, the navigation arrows, which are on the top right section of the screen, are not visible. It is still possible to navigate using the outline and moving from page to page. But is there a way to overcome this issue of the navigation arrows not being available?

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