Highest Number of Possible Multiple Choice Answers

2232 0 1
Posted   2 years ago

I have a multiple choice question which requires 17 possible answers. However, I can only input a total of 8 possible answers. Is there a way to insert more?

Thank you!



( 0 )

Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   2 years ago

For the out of the box questions this is not possible.  You could, as a practice question, add your own form controls and use those to build a 17 possible answer question and simply use actions and triggers.  Most likely you would assign the form items to a variable and then the "feedback" would be triggered based on variable change.


( 1 )
2 years ago     Kimagine_1969     26   |   4  

Thank you, Paul! I will look into doing something like that. :-)