How do I change default page timing? (and other trigger quandaries)

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Posted   3 years ago
  ●   Edited   3 years ago

I am new to dominKnow and most familiar with Articulate Storyline/360.  I'm having difficulty with standard page beginnings without animation.  When I create a new page in Claro and add a header and other elements, I find that automatically the rich text header is set as a fade animation after 0:00 entrance and any images I add are automatically set as fade animations after 0:00.5 entrance. How can I cause all elements by default to be present without an animation when the page is loaded?

Currently, I am going into the Actions area and deleting the fade actions.  The next step I take is to click on Interact> Triggers> Current Page> Is Loaded and then click on Show.  My intent is then to select all of the elements that I wish to be present when the page begins.  It appears that this then defaults to fade after time elapsed of 0:29.5.  Why is it not when the page is loaded?  So then I change the effect to none and timer to 0:00 and check off the elements I wish to be there.  Again, would love a default that has all elements show upon page load unless I set it otherwise.

Sometimes I don't see all of the elements on the page in the timeline.  What causes this?  This makes it so that I can't add animations to enter elements at certain cue points during the narration. I can't figure it out and end up deleting the page and starting over, which is usually after I've added narration/audio.  To enter an element at a cue point, I drag the beginning point of the element's bar so it aligns with the cue points.

Please help.  I am frustrated.  Thank you.


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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Luke Hickey   |    
Posted   3 years ago

This seems very strange behavior as we do not default animate/fade any entrance effects inserted via the Insert tab. Couple of items that come to mind that could cause something like this.

1) You are using a template and the template had timings on the elements preset. This would not have any impact on elements inserted after the template is created unless the timing is on the Layer.

2) You have set a default entrance effect on the Layer and not the desired element. For example, if you have 5 things in your Layer that you want to fade in, you can simply move the Layer in the timeline and it will apply the same effect to all the elements in the layer. when you do this, any subsequent element added to that layer will inherit the layers entrance effect. You can always change the elements individual to give them different entrance effects after the fact. 

Not seeing elements in the timeline, that could be caused by layers, all elements are located within their layers for the page. depending which layer you are in can depend on what the timeline shows.


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avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   3 years ago

Here are a couple of additional things that might help, too.

We have an article here on the community that walks through the three "personalities" of the Timeline below the stage, how it can control timing based on page loading, timing based on an audio narration file or timing of layered content over a video. From your description above it sounds like you understand most of this already, but there may still be something of value in the article. 

We also have weekly user meetings Thursdays at 11 eastern and any dominKnow | ONE authors are welcome to join and bring questions and get help. Our community manager Brent Schlenker facilitates these sessions, and they are pretty open forums for authors to ask questions and learn not just from us but from authors from other client teams as well. If you're interested in that, here's the article with more details including the session link

And don't hesitate to reply here if you have more questions on this - we're here to help!


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