Create a Collection
Update Collections
Select (single-click) the List element on the stage.
Select the Pencil icon.
In this example, we’ve changed the text to Step 1. Select the Rich Text Editor icon to add inline formatting to the item text.
In this example we’ve set the “1” to be bold and italics. Select Ok to save the text change.
Select +Add to add a new Item to your List.
The new Item is added and is ready for you to add text. Select the text field and we'll add text for this example.
In this example, we’ve added the text Step 4. Select outside of the Item to save the text change.
To delete an item select the X. Select the X to delete the “Step 4” item.
Select Use Numbers to switch the list to a numbered list.
Select No Icons to set the list to have no icons or numbers.
Select Use Icons to add icons once more.
To change an individual Icon, select it.
The Pick an Icon panel will open. Select an Icon.
Select Ok to save the choice.
The new icon choice is now displayed to the left of the Item. To set all Icons at once, select Set All Icons.
The Pick an Icon panel will open. Select an Icon.
Select Ok to save the choice.
Select Ok to save all of your changes and close the Edit List panel.
The changes are now shown in the List on the Stage.
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