Step 1

Select the Tab Set element on the page.

Step 2

Select the pencil icon to edit the element.

Step 3

Select the header for the first tab.

Step 4

Select the pencil icon to edit the header.

Step 5

You can now edit the text in the header. Select the header text field and we'll add in text for this exercise.

Step 6

Select outside of the header (but still inside the Tab Set) to save the text changes.

Step 7

Select the first layout option on the tab body.

Step 8

A placeholder is added. Select the Rich Text option.

Step 9

You can now add text. Select the empty text field and we'll add text for this exercise.

Step 10

Select outside of the Tab Set to save the changes.

Step 11

You can see that the content for the first tab has been changed.

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