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Is there a way to use the Captions Overlay style where the overlay stays on the screen without the mouse rollover to reveal the text? I would like to use the carousel with images with text overlay to simulated a PowerPoint presentation with text overlay slides.

Thank you.

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I have a learning object that includes a case study with 3 decision points using inline multiple-choice questions. I want to track two things with case studies in eLearning (1) learner engagement (did the learner answer each question of the case study regardless of correctness) in some cases more granular (2) if the learner selects choice 1=incorrect, score =0; choice 2= correct, score 10 points.  I have scoring variables assigned to each question that I wish to score using the question setti...

187   0
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I'm using Story View theme with a lesson that has multiple learning objects. When I preview the entire project, I now have two sets of navigation, the Next Page and Previous Page buttons for each page I added, and the Next and Previous navigation located at the top and bottom of each page.  I want the navigation that I see in the single page view (one extended button at the top and bottom of each page). How can I delete the unwanted next and previous page buttons that are shown on each page w...

212   0
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I'm creating a module with no posttest, however, I have a case study with 3 inline quiz questions from the Engage tab. (1) Can I use the inline question variable option to assign the score for each inline question? (2) Can I have  the score for each inline case study question display on an end of module screen?  If so, how do I set the inline question variable score and show the learners results on the end of module summary screen.

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I am in the planning phase of an elearning lesson where I would like the learner to be able to bookmark pages within the lesson to revisit at a later time or maybe as "favorites.".  Can this be done in dominknow? If so, what is the workflow?

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I really like the interactions used in the Stages of Car Seats by Jessica Russell in the Community posts.  Is there a tutorial of how to create it?  If so, please share, I would like to use this in an upcoming lesson.

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I want to change the style and add some interactivity to flip cards and tab table elements. Can I add html, css, javascript to flip cards or other elements and if so, what is the workflow?

1008   0
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I am using standard bubbles input controls to create 4 options a learner can select to solve the problem.  For each input,  when the learner click on the bubble, I want the option to change color (e.g green when correct; red when incorrect; yellow to indicate the option could be done but its is not the best choice) and add an action to show the feedback for each option.  There is a different feedback response for each option (bubble), not just correct/incorrect. Should I use a variable to cha...

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I am creating a knowledge check and I want to use an emoji  as part of the feedback for the learner, smiley face when correct; thinking face when incorrect.  When setting the trigger type, I clicked element but it does not give me the option to select when correct answer is submitted, so I'm thinking I have to select variable.  How do I set the variable so the state changes when the learner selects the correct or incorrect answer?


Thank you


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I have an assessment that I created in another platform that I want to embed in dominKNow instead of re-creating the entire assessment. I know that I can link to it, but I want the learner to engage with my dominKnow content and take the assessment from another platform on the same page in dominKnow.  Is this possible? If so, how can I do it?

1984   0
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I would like to use the interactive video template in Flow, is there a tutorial on how to use the Question buttons?  I would like the learner to engage with the questions when I set the video to pause for each question.

2020   0
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Can I view the end of lesson test questions when I create a Flow, vertical scroll project?  When I click preview entire project, I don't see the scored questions that I have added during the Preview, Full Project.

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