Should I use a variable?
1083 0 2I am using standard bubbles input controls to create 4 options a learner can select to solve the problem. For each input, when the learner click on the bubble, I want the option to change color (e.g green when correct; red when incorrect; yellow to indicate the option could be done but its is not the best choice) and add an action to show the feedback for each option. There is a different feedback response for each option (bubble), not just correct/incorrect. Should I use a variable to change the color of the input once the learner has clicked it? If so, what is the workflow?
Answers ( 2 )
Just so I'm following accurately, here's what I think you're describing. You have four standard button input controls on your page, added from the Insert Tab >> Inputs panel. When a Learner selects one button, you'd like to show the a color change plus feedback text.
The Standard Buttons can only have one color assigned to them, there isn't an option to change them to a different specific color when selected. But here's one approach that could help you achieve the same goal using some Hide and Show actions.
When the learner selects any of the four buttons:
- Fire a Hide Action to hide all 4 buttons
- Fire a Show Action to show a bubble with the same text but set to the feedback color, plus show the feedback text in a text element.
So you'd add four more buttons to the page set as Hidden on Load, and each of these buttons is set to the feedback color plus each has an associated feedback text element.
The colours can be set in the theme either as the default theme colours or as custom-colored buttons.
If you wanted the learner to try again, you called add a Try Again button set to fire a Player Control Reload the Page action.
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