How can I combine two string variables into a separate variable?
1964 0 3Let's say I have a variable named stringA and another named stringB. I would like to combine them into a third variable named stringC, but separate by a comma.
stringA = Pleasantville
stringB = New York
stringC = stringA, stringB aka Pleasantville, New York
How might I go about this? I can't seem to use the Set Variable option, because the Value box won't let me put more than one variable in it. Short of potentially using custom JS, is there a way to do this in dominKnow?
Answers ( 3 )
You can set the 3rd variable to something like this:
variable1 + ', '+ variable2
Where the variable1 and 2 are the custom variables (pick from the right flyout) and the + is the "concatinator" and the ', ' contains the value you want to be between them.
Specific steps
Action set variable when page loads
Choose new variable and set as string
In the Value field right click and choose "Variable1"
+,', '+
Right click and choose "variable 2"
Click apply
NOTE: You can have a space before and after the + or not. (won't make a difference)
( 0 )How? When I try to put that in the value field, I get an error. When I do it with JavaScript, it works in preview, but not when I publish to our LRS it's bizarre.
( 1 )That IS bizarre. I did just publish it as an xAPI package and try it in SCORM cloud and it worked fine. You may need to contact the hosting provider for the LRS and see if they are doing something odd to block that code. I would also use the inspect on the JS console in the browser to see if something was blocked. You may also want to publish as a plain web package or "share link" to see if that is any different.
Ahh… the difference is I use double quotes (") and not single quotes ('). I didn't realize that would make a difference. Otherwise, I get a "The value is not valid." error.
thanks for the help!
( 2 )Ah EXCELLENT. Yes the double quotes usually means interpret it and commas and other stuff can cause some weird items. Hurrah!
You get the error using double quotes because the value of the input is expected to be a string, that ONE builds from your input. Think of the input like this "TEXTAREA Your Strings /TEXTAREA". The input value is processed through a JavaScript eval() in order to provide developers access to all JS string manipulation functions.
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