Variable Conditions

1877 0 2
Posted   2 years ago

Hi Community, I need some help creating a variable condition,


I have created a drag and drop game, 

2 x drop targets (Asset or Not an Asset) that when a draggable is drop on, fires a boolean variable.
14 draggable objects, when dropped on either drop target, show a text box. The draggable objects have mixed correct answers, some Assets and some Not Assets. 
The boolean determines which text appears when the draggable is dropped. 
I want a variable that adds up a correct score. 
So, eg
When a draggable object is dropped on the correct drop target, add 1 to a new variable if boolean is true
When a draggable object is dropped on the correct drop target, add 1 to a new variable if boolean is false
Draggable A is an Asset. When dropped on the Asset Drop Target, the score goes up 1, if dragged onto the Not an Asset drop target, the score goes up 0.
Draggable B is Not an Asset. When dropped on the Asset drop target, the score goes up 0, if dragged onto the Not an Asset, the score goes up 1. 
Something like:
Hope this makes sense. 


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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   2 years ago

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I don't think you need to evaluate the Boolean variables at all?

An alternate way would be to add an additional variable action to these Drops.

The second action would set a numeric variable to increase +1 in the correct cases.

So the Drop trigger would fire two actions, one action to set the respective boolean value PLUS a second action to set the Score variable to increase +1 (instead of == chose += in the Operator drop down) if it's a "good" drop.

This approach means you don't have to evaluate the Boolean variables at all.

I did a simple test (just one text element dropping on a target) and was able to set both variables this way.



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2 years ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

Agreed! That would be easier and should work!!!!

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   2 years ago

Based on the description:

  1. Prior to exercise set a numeric variable for total score to 0.
  2. On the page where the boolean variables are being triggered add 2 actions
    1. an action on variable change (the variable changing being the boolean) that boolean is true then change the total score to be += and value of 1 (this adds 1 to whatever the value was)
    2. an action on variable change (the variable changing being the boolean) that boolean is false then change the total score to be -= and value of 1 (this takes away 1 from whatever the value was)



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