Button State - Can my button have a border when clicked?

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Posted   one year ago

I'd like to have several buttons on my page, when learner is visiting the button i'd like the button to have a border, once its been visited i'd like to add a check mark. 

Please guide me.


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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   one year ago

The border and checkmark aren't default options for buttons in dominKnow | ONE but there are some other options that can help.

For example, on the Options tab for a button there are Toggle options.

Allow Toggle sets the button to its alternate color when clicked and returns it to its original color when clicked again (i.e., each click reverses the color)

Stay Toggled sets the button to its alternate color when clicked and locks it to that alternate color, even if the button is clicked again.

The Stay Toggled option is helpful for indicating that a learner has already selected the button on the page, and could be an option instead of a border.

Also there are Animation effects that can be used. Selecting the button could trigger a Scale to animation that increases or decreases the size of the button or a Fade to animation that can reduce the button's strength by say 50%, making it look "grayed out" after being selected.

These animations can also be set by a variable - the button click sets the variable and the variable then triggers the button animation to fade down. The variable approach means the "faded state" would be remembered if the learner refreshes or returns to the page again.

Hope this is helpful!



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one year ago     AndreaHartman     0   |   2  

Thanks Chris! I opted for the tabs interaction so i could have the checkmarks. Thank you very much for the response :)