Suggest Video Hosting Alternatives
1334 0 1I'm developing an app that requires a video but can not use Facebook or youtube. Can anyone suggest an alternative to Youtube or Facebook, i also search about video hosting on the internet and found this post about video hosting here author listed many of the lists, but i am very confused as to which one to intregate, Please suggest.
Answers ( 1 )
We use Vimeo (the first suggestion in that article) for hosting our marketting videos for our website. One of its nice features is that you can actually update a video with a new version and the URL links stay the same. In YouTube, for comparison, there isn't an option to replce an existing video. If you have a new version of a video it has to be published as a new video with a new URL, and then you need to update any links to it in other places.
If you are using the videos in a dominKnow | ONE page you can use the Embed Video option, using the Embed code that Vimeo will provide for your video. Here's a lesson to show you how to do that >> Adding A Video Using Embed Code
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