Can you copy/paste buttons and keep the customizations?

1356 0 1
Posted   one year ago

Is it possible to copy a paste a button and keep the customizations and settings of the original? In storyline, it's possible to paste all the button's triggers, so I wondered if there was a way to do that in dominKnow as well. To save time on adjusting the options



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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   one year ago

In a Claro project, there is a Paste with Actions option that does this.

Select the button element on the page and go to the Edit option in the upper left of the interface and select Copy. The Paste and Paste with Actions will become available. If you choose Paste with Actions it will paste the button plus any related elements with connecting actions. For example, if the button shows an image on the page when clicked, then the button and the associated image will be pasted, with the Action in place to show the image when clicked.

In Flow project the Paste with Actions option is not available because of the more-complex way Flow pages are structured. For example, if a button shows an element that's in a different Section on the page, there isn't a way to isolate just those elements within each section to copy and paste and maintain the action relationship.

If the button/action is something you will use often in Flow projects, you can create Sections that include custom actions as Pages in a Baseline Project. You can then copy them into other Projects and the actions will be preserved. 

Here's an article that covers more about Baseline Projects:

Working with Baseline Projects (Template Projects) >> https://dki.io/3cfa2268



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one year ago     cristinag     0   |   1  

Thanks, Chris! Exactly the info I needed