Swap images and other actions inside tab sets
1214 0 1Hi there ... trying to swap images on a page inside tabset and cannot see a target for another image. Checked here:
Answers ( 1 )
Hello, you can use Element states to swap the image based on various triggers. I believe this will meet your need.
Here is an article on setting Element States
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So, thanks for your reply Paul, but the answer isn't working for my situation. On a page in a tabset, I would like to use hotspots to show labels (both on an image). When I examine the Element States (at the bottom of the DK GUI), I see "The currently selected element cannot have states."
Can I create DK-out-of-the-box interactions (such as hotspots) inside a DK-out-of-the-box interaction (such as a tabset) without scripting? If so, what are the instructions? Or, is this at the "create your own reusable widget" level, and if so, do you offer a course?
Can I check on the interaction you're picturing - the learner will select hotspots on the image to show the related labels for that area of the image? And this is on an image inside a tab set or an accordion menu?
Thanks, Chris!
inside a tab set (on a tabbed page).
and yes, tap hotspot on image to show label, also on image ...
I had tried to a different configuration: button element swaps (a) an image and (b) a text area, but I can't figure out how to get a column of buttons in a tab set page, either. (I have those working successfully on pages that are not "inside" interactions.)
Thanks for those extra details, it helps a lot. If you have an image element on its own on a page, you can add hotspots and labels then set the hotspots to show the labels by selecting the labels in the Targets list. When an image is on a tab in a tab set or other Engage element, though, the Targets list can't show any "level" of content within the tab set, it can only show the Tab set element itself. It can't show the image itself as a target and it can't show the labels on the image as targets. We allow you to add hotspots and labels to the image within the tab set for other design reasons (labels are a great way to have text on an image that isn't part of the image itself and can be part of the translation process, and hotspots on an image even in a tabset can be set up to fire off many other actions such as popups, etc.) but we don't support the specific use case you're looking to create, currently. I understand, though, that our support team has also suggested some options, including using Markers on the image. I hope one of those suggestions is helpful!
The support for my issue has been fantastic!! Thank you Chris, and to Rene and all those in the conversation.
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