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Steps to set up a custom drag and drop question page as a sorting activity with three matches and one drop distractor.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.4
Applies to: Flow, Claro
Applies to: Flow, Claro
00:00 Select the
Question tab.
00:04 Select
00:08 The Edit Question Properties panel will open to the right of the Stage.
To set up the first Match, select the Add button.
To set up the first Match, select the Add button.
00:12 Select
00:16 Select the
Drag Item selection list.
00:20 Select the
Viruses Text element.
00:24 The Viruses Text element is now bound in red on the Stage to show it was selected.
Select the Drop Target selection list.
Select the Drop Target selection list.
00:28 Select the
Malware Target element.
00:32 Select
00:36 To set up the second Match, select the
Add button.
00:40 Select
00:44 Select the
Drag Item selection list.
00:48 Select the
Spyware Text element.
00:52 Select the
Drop Target selection list.
00:56 Select the
Malware Target element.
01:00 Select
01:04 To set up the third Match, select the
Add button.
01:08 Select Match.
01:12 Select the
Drag Item selection list.
01:16 Select the
Ransomware Text element.
01:20 Select the
Drop Target selection list.
01:24 Select the
Malware Target element.
01:28 Select
01:32 Now that the three Matches are set up, we can add the Drop Distractor.
Select the Add button.
01:36 Select
Drop distractor.
01:40 The Drag Item selection list is now unavailable.
Select the Drop Target selection list.
01:44 The Malware Target element is not available because we previously set it to be a drop target for our three Matches.
Select the Social Engineering Target element.
01:48 Select
01:52 Now that all the Matches and the Drag Distractor are set up, select
Update to save your changes.
01:56 The draggable elements on the Stage now show a hand icon and the drop target elements show a target icon.
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