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Steps to set a Page to evaluate a Custom Variable and when it equals the required value to trigger an Enable Next Player Control action.
In this use case, we have three buttons on a page and we want to know that all three have been selected before we allow the learner to leave the page. Before this lesson we set up actions so that as the leaner clicks each button a custom variable is increased by 1. Once all three buttons have been clicked the variable's value will be 3.
This lesson outlines how to set up the action to evaluate the variable's value and enable the next button once the value equals 3.
Product: dominKnow | ONE | Version: 7.3
00:00 / 00:00
00:00 Select the Interact tab.
00:04 Select Triggers.
00:08 In the Variables section, select More...
00:12 To start, we'll set the Trigger (the event that needs to happen in order to enable the Next button).
Select Variables.
00:16 Select the Select a Variable drop-down list.
00:20 Select the variable AllClicked.
00:24 Select Ok.
00:28 Since the Custom Variable is a number variable, the related set of options is now shown.
Select Equal to.
00:32 The Enter Value field is where you add in the value that you are checking for. For our example, we want to know when the AllClicked variable reaches a value of 3.
Select the Enter Value field and we'll add in 3 for you.
00:36 Select Next.
00:40 Now that we've set the Trigger we need to set the Action that will be triggered (i.e., what will happen when the variable reaches 3.)
Select Player Controls.
00:44 Select Enable Next Button.
00:48 Select Next.
00:52 The Page Actions and Timings panel will open to the right of the Stage so you can confirm the settings that have been chosen.
Select Apply.
00:56 The action has been added.
You will need to use the Full Project Preview to confirm that the action is working.
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