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While dominKnow | ONE sends a variety of statements automatically, you can also send custom xAPI statements using actions. Learn how to create an xAPI action and pick the custom verb, type and even send variable data along with your statement details.
00:00 Send a custom xAPI statement by first determing what the trigger for the statement will be, such as clicking on an element, page loading or even a variable equaling a certain value.
00:03 In this case, select the Heading text element as we want the Send xAPI statement to be triggered when they click on "Heading". What the trigger for the statement is, will be up to you.
00:06 Select Interact to create the Send xAPI action.
00:09 Select Triggers to determine what will be used to create the xAPI statement.
00:12 In this case, select "Is Interacted With..." as the statement will be triggered by the user clicking on Heading.
00:15 Select Click, or the desired trigger type.
00:18 Click on Next for the next step.
00:21 Select Functions and Variables to show the Send xAPI Statement action.
00:24 Select Send xAPI Statement function.
00:27 Select Next.
00:30 If you change your mind about Trigger type, you can use the drop down to adjust the choice here.
00:33 Pick the desired xAPI Verb from the drop down. Available Verbs are ADL and TinCan verbs.
00:36 Enter a unique Activity ID, following xAPI standards in the Activity ID section.
00:39 Pick the desired xAPI Type from the drop down. Available Types are ADL and TinCan types.
00:42 Right click in the Success, Response, and Score fields to select a variable if you wish to include course variable data in your xAPI statement.
00:45 In Name, enter the name for your custom xAPI statement.
00:48 Enter an optional Description for your custom xAPI statement.
00:51 Select Apply when you are done adding the details to your xAPI statement.
00:54 Once you add your custom xAPI statement you can add additional statements using the same trigger element, by clicking on the Add button in the right flyout, or add new statements based off new triggers using the steps just outlined.
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