Two different ways depending on Ribbon status

Adding a Page to your project is easy.

But the steps to do so start differently depending on whether the Ribbon is toggled on or off.

If the Ribbon is toggled off, you'll see a "New" tool bar between the left-side panel and the stage. Select the top icon to open the Add Pages panel.

If the Ribbon is toggled on, the "New" tool bar is hidden. You can add new pages from the Home tab, selecting Page.


The Add a Page Panel 

Both steps above open the Add a Page panel.

What you see on this panel will depend on whether your Project was started from one of our design templates or started from a Blank template.

If the Project was started from a design template:

  • The menu on the left will show Starters at the top. These are the page designs that match the design template used to start your Project.
  • Below that you can access Blank Layouts

If the Project was started from a Blank template:

  • The menu on the left will show Blank Layouts at the top
  • Below that you can access pages from any of the design templates, listed by Page type

In either context, you can also use the Search, From a Project and From a Baseline options to copy pages from other Projects. 


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