There are a variety of steps you can take to optimize before you import a PowerPoint file into dominKnow | ONE to ensure you get the best results. Depending on what version of PowerPoint and how old, the default screen ratio can be 4:3 or 16:9. 16:9 is the latest ratio for newer presentations. dominKnow | ONE recommends and prefers the 16:9 ratio. If you can use that format, or change your slide's format to 16:9, your results should be better.
PowerPoint Size
The size of your PowerPoint file matters. In many cases people will put in images that are really much larger than they need to be for the web. Before uploading your PowerPoint, we recommend you optimize all images for Web (or even Email) output. This will speed up the conversion process, produce a better loading course, and generally have zero downsides. There are many articles on the web that explain how to do this, but here is one if you are unsure. We recommend you apply compression to all images.
You can find a full article that covers how to optimize and consider PPT master slides, Fonts, videos and audio, grouped items, external links, animations, and more. Please refer to the full PowerPoint import tips article in the dominKnow | ONE community.
PowerPoint “How to” in the dominKnow | ONE Community
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