SCORM 1.2 Recommendations

If you want to use SCORM 1.2 for your content we recommend the following options:

  • When uploading content in SumTotal you will see a Content Player Settings screen. We recomend you use the following options be used:
    • Hide SumTotal player navigation
    • Open content player in native mode (applies to SCORM content)
    • Depending on your content you may also wish to select Open content player window in full screen mode. This item is more about aesthetics/personal preference, so try both. Also not that Claro and Flow content will display differently and also will be different based on your theme settings, so if you are using both fixed pixel (Claro) and responsive (Flow) content as well as different themes you may wish to experiment some. 

For other items, use the default settings. 


Offline Mobile Player

If you are going to make content available to launch in the SumTotal offline mobile player, you will need to adjust your dominKnow | ONE publishing settings. By default dominKnow | ONE opens content on mobile devices in a new window for optimal performance. In the SumTotal offline mobile player, open in a new window function is not supported, so you must turn this option off if you plan to enable your learners to use the offline mobile player. 

To adjust the Publishing Profiles select:

Application Menu -> Publish -> Publishing Profiles

From here, we recommend you create a new publishing profile. When creating the profile, deselect the option Launch in New Window on Device.

For more information about publishing profiles see: Publishing Profile Options


SCORM 2004 Recommendations

SCORM 2004 will provide you with additional details in test question data, so unless you need to use SCORM 1.2 we recommend SCORM 2004 over 1.2.

When using SCORM 2004 in SumTotal you will see a Content Player Settings screen. We recomend you use the following options be used:

  • Publish in dominKnow | ONE as SCORM 2004 4th edition
  • Depending on your content you may also wish to select Open content player window in full screen mode. This item is more about aesthetics/personal preference, so try both. Also not that Claro and Flow content will display differently and also will be different based on your theme settings, so if you are using both fixed pixel (Claro) and responsive (Flow) content as well as different themes you may wish to experiment some. 

For other items, use the default settings. 

CMI5 Recommendations

CMI5 is a profile for xAPI packages.  Your results for the learning will be sent to SumTotal's LRS and you will be able to review reports there.

When using CMI5 content in SumTotal you will see a Content Player Settings screen. We recomend you use the following options be used::

  • Depending on your content you may also wish to select Open content player window in full screen mode. This item is more about aesthetics/personal preference, so try both. Also not that Claro and Flow content will display differently and also will be different based on your theme settings, so if you are using both fixed pixel (Claro) and responsive (Flow) content as well as different themes you may wish to experiment some. 

For other items, use the default settings. 

Web Package Recommendations

Sometimes you want to make a package available as a resource and you don't necessarily want any tracking associated with it.  In this case you would publish the dominKnow | ONE package as a Web Package

When uploading to SumTotal, upload it as you would any SCORM/CMI5/XAPI package with the following changes:

In the File Uploaded screen:

  • Provide it an activity name. It won't automatically pick up the project title
  • Click on the checkbox for This is a zipped file that should be extracted. Enter the filename that should be launched below.

When uploading content in SumTotal you will see a Content Player Settings screen. We recomend you use the following options be used:

  • Depending on your content you may also wish to select Open content player window in full screen mode. This item is more about aesthetics/personal preference, so try both. Also not that Claro and Flow content will display differently and also will be different based on your theme settings, so if you are using both fixed pixel (Claro) and responsive (Flow) content as well as different themes you may wish to experiment some. 

For other items, use the default settings. 

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