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Steps to create a Project Variable from the Manage Variables panel.

Once the variable is created it will be available when you are ready to set up actions to affect it or as a value to display in a text element or as a variable you can check as a Condition on an Action.

And once you have used it in any of these contexts the Manage Variables panel will track where and how it has been used throughout the Project.

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Steps to assign users to a Collection.
You can assign Teams or individual users as Authors or Reviewers.
This lesson shows the steps to assign a Team as Authors for the Collection.
To assign Reviewers or individual users, the steps are largely the same. 

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Steps to assign Content to a Team.

You can assign the Team to individual Projects as well as Collections of Projects.
The Team can be assigned as For Review, in which case all Team members are assigned for reviewing the Project or For Authoring, in which case Authors are assigned for authoring and Reviewers are not assigned

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