Disable the next page on the Player Menu until user interacts with all elements on a page

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Posted   one year ago

1) I want to be able to disable each page on the PLAYER menu until the learner interacts or completes all the content on the existing page before moving forward, similar to sequential order; except, I want all the pages DISABLED on the player until the learner interacts with the information on that given page.

Currently, I have the course navigation set to sequential order, but the next consecutive page is enabled (on the menu) before the learner is done completing the following page. 

2) Also, I want the learner to have the ability to review the information after completing each page, this is the PLAYER MENU being ENABLED once the learner completes each page and wants to go back and review the content. 

Thank you



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Answers  ( 2 )

avatar snelson   |    
Posted   one year ago

Thank you Paul. The solution worked!  One last question: on the Navigation PLAYER menu, the disabled next pages  are "dimmed down" - is there any way I can change the look of this state?  I do not like the way the disabled pages appear on the navigation menu.  

Thank you again. 



( 1 )
one year ago     Paul Schneider     783   |   9  

Awesome. So glad that workded for you.

There is no WYSIWYG method to make the menu color change you desire. However, there is a specific style applied to that object. You can utilize your browser Inspect controls to identify the CSS of this object, test in browser the desired change to the CSS you want, and then once you have the correct change, edit your Theme in the Theme Designer and click on the add CSS. Apply the correctd CSS change and save and then review the course in Full Project Preview. If you have not made these types of changes or are limited in your experience with CSS, it might take a bit of trial and error until you apply the correct syntax.

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   one year ago

You will need to set each page (from ribbon bar - interaction - disable Next button) to have the next button as disabled. If you are creating new pages you can duplicate a page that has this set or copy pages from a Baseline that you have set up as a template page. (Question and answer that discuss disabling the next button.)

The Force Sequential effects the menu and stop users from using the menu to jump ahead. If a page has been completed, with this option enabled a user WILL be able to go back to any page completed but not jump ahead. 



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