Sequencing Question - Add more Drag & Drop Targets
3435 0 1So I'm a newbie - trying to make a Four Step sequencing activity from the templated page that has Three Steps. Can't figure it out. Thinking there has got to be an easy way to add a set of Draggable items and Targets, as you would with other Question elements, but am not just not getting it. Any help is appreciated.
Answers ( 1 )
OK I think I figured it out! I'm answering my own question for posterity - hope that's OK! (edited 3 years later :))
- Insert the drag and drop elements you want in corresponding Row 3 Group 1 and Row 3 Group 2 - (have to insert within the group)
- IMPORTANT: when creating the Drop Target, you have to use "Insert > Drop Target" (located in "Controls"). The "make draggable" option is greyed out otherwise.
- Then select the Question tab, (might have to click around until it appears :))
- Add a Match (or distractors)
- Click OK.
I think the steps on this page might need some correction:
( 2 )Thanks for answering your own question, we don’t mind that at all. In fact you earn points for doing it. I reviewed the article you referenced and I apologize as it is completely wrong, looks like the instructions for Pulldown question was accidentally pasted into drag drop questions. We’ll get that fixed ASAP.
No worries! I hear the drag and drop is going to update in the Beta, will check it out when I have time :) (we are really excited about it being Accessible... )
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